Zozo and Reddit

I fell into a rabbit hole… but I swear that it’s a good thing. So, let’s catch you guys up on how Zoloft is treating me. I promise to be honest. It’s been a month since I’ve started Zoloft. So far… so good. The side effects have calmed down a little. I still experience nausea…

Hey Zofties

I’m going to start this post by stating the obvious…. There’s a lot going on in the world right now. With that being said, I understand that some problems seems small to others. However, I’m in the business of validating ones experience. Just because something seems small to you, the person going through the situation…

I think it’s working.

Hey Zofties, I can’t sleep. To be fair, I kinda l took a nap around 6ish. I didn’t really mean to. I woke up around 4 am and had been awake for most of the day. So around 6 pm, I passed out on my bed. Weirdly, i woke up with the worst stomach aches….

Back on Zozo

Hi Zofties. I know.. It’s been a while. How are you? Yeah!!! I’m glad! Here we go! It’s been a while since I have posted, this is because I started this blog being really honest, and so you all were able to see into my life. But as things got a little more crazier in…

Change and Shit.

The week that rocked me sent me spiraling into a state of depression. The beginning of last week had me almost bed ridden. I spent last Sunday morning in bed, crying, not sleeping, not eating, not wanting to live. I stayed in bed feeling lifeless. So much change. Heartbreak. My future with Juan was uncertain….

I’m 32!!!!

Every year on my birthday I write something.. sometimes it’s a prompt. Sometimes a poem or a short story. I think I wrote a reflective piece about me getting older one year. But I seriously have nothing to say this year… Well… I have these following thoughts. Chasing dreams. Losing steam. I’m tried and yet…


it’s 3am and I’m still waiting. Waiting for you to text me back and ensure me that everything is okay. I don’t do well with disagreements Especially through text Are you mad? Are you second guessing? See I can hear hesitation in your voice I can’t hear it in text message And I pick up…


I’ve been writing a lot lately! After a certain issue I had a few months ago, I felt that I have opened up and I have been writing about so much. “Lucky” was originally written in October, then edited a week ago. My intention was to publish this next week, with something else, but here…

Finally….. *James (storytime)

“What time will you be here?” He texted. I looked at the ETA on my Uber app.   “The app says 8:35pm.” I replied. I got the notification that my Uber was outside. I grabbed my jacket and ran downstairs. I was kind of nervous. I’m not used to hook ups and I wasn’t ready…

Broken Hearts Heal

Every piece of myself has lived for other people. I’ve dedicated my life to being a backbone and support for others. Don’t believe me? Well, let’s just take a look at what I do for a living. I work as a public health professional. I test for HIV and STDs. I counsel people on they…